Why not get all Chapters in one go?We heard you! Here is the offer! Normal price for each chapter is RM 89, and enjoy more discount when you get multiple chapters together ;)All chapters come with MATERIALS + TEMPLATES (hard copy) + TUTORIALChapter 1
Flower to learn: Peony + HydrangeaMaterials include:15 pcs color papers, wrapping bouquet material, hot glue gun + glue stick, floral wire, floral tape & flower stigmaChapter 2
Flower to learn: David Austin Rose + Eryngium Materials include:15 pcs color papers, wrapping bouquet material, Kokuyo brand scissors (premium quality), floral wire, floral tape & polystrene ballExcludes hot glue gun + hot glue sticks (provided in chapter 1)Chapter 3
Flower to learn : Poppy, Zinnia + Forget-me-notMateriails include:15 pcs color papers, Wrapping bouquet material, Tacky glue, Punchers x 2, Floral tape, Watercolor pencil, Waterbrush, Mini balls, Floral wires & Floral tapeExcludes hot glue gun + hot glue sticks (provided in chapter 1)
Chapter 4
Flower to learn : Elizabeth Rose + Baby's BreathMateriails include:15 pcs color papers, Floral Punchers x 2, Plier, Awl, Tube 1 meter, Floral tape, Floral wire x 2 & Soft PadExcludes hot glue gun + hot glue sticks (provided in chapter 1)
Chapter 5
Flower to learn : Cosmos + ChamomileMateriails include:10 pcs premium color papers, Floral Punchers x 2, Fur sheet A5, Yellow Powder ~ 5g, Aqua brush, Watercolor single paint, Awl, Cross Tweezer, Floral tape, Floral wire, Soft Pad, mini ballsExcludes hot glue gun + hot glue sticks (provided in chapter 1)
DifficultyChapter 1 : BeginnerChapter 2 : Intermediate
Chapter 3 : BeginnerChapter 4: Beginner
Chapter 5: Beginner
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RM160.00Sale Price